
Menneman Beer
Menneman Beer Blond
Menneman blond artisanal tripel hop

About Menneman Blond Tripel Hop Beer

It’s September 2019. The idea to brew an own beer by Christmas 2020 is coming up. At that moment, no one could imagine that there would come a pandemic. However, we decided in April 2020 to put the idea on hold, but we kept it alive. The entire year 2020 was dominated by the pandemic and the prospects for 2021 didn’t look so positive. We considered everything that’s needed to brew a beer. The whole process from scooting, mashing, filtering and rinsing to the boiling, cooling, fermenting and bottling was a difficult choice. We kept it safe and decided to put it all on September 2022, the year where in art & light house celebrates its 5-year existence. In the beginning, it wasn’t exactly easy but thanks to the combination of drive and passion, we managed to get a sample brew ready by spring 2022. From that moment everything goes fast towards a final brew. Behind the scenes, the commercials are also being prepared during this period. .

We are so proud to propose it to you in autumn 2022 and are looking forward to that moment.

Contact Us

Here You Can Make A Reservation Or Just walkin to taste the beer

art and light house - Heidestraat 119 Neerlinter 3350